We’re in Chicago this week attending the ASHRAE Winter Conference as well as the AHR Expo!
What are we talking about this week? Well in addition to creating an energy analytical model directly from your Revit architectural geometry, customizable Revit dashboards and runsets, and fast daylighting analysis, we’re highlighting the following new announcements.
- EnergyPlus Cloud, which upon its initial launch could analyze EnergyPlus models 5x-10x faster than desktop simulations, is now announcing improved performance up to 20x. Also, the service will now include additional EnergyPlus reports for HVAC sizing and design. Test it out for yourself and let us know about your experience. Also be sure to join us for the February 10th webinar.
- We’ve also just released the latest version of Energy Cost Range, which includes an HVAC widget and Design Potential widget to easily compare various benchmarks, including ASHRAE Standard 90.1. The ASHRAE Standard 90.1 benchmark allows you to easily compare the minimum prescriptive baseline of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Energy Standard for Buildings. Read more about the new widgets in this post and try out the project on Autodesk Labs.
If you’re in town, stop by the AHR Expo and chat with us! We’re in the North Hall at Booth #3144.