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« Autodesk Now Listed as Green Button Implementer | Main | Accelerate Identifying Building Features with Energy Saving Opportunities »

Monday, July 29, 2013


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Jasper Desmet


I would like to give some feedback on the Potential Energy Savings feature. I'm writing a master thesis on Building Energy Performance using BIM, and am testing the in-Revit Conceptual Energy Analysis potential, and this is what I find.
Let me start off by telling you that I like the new feature. I like how it gives an easy to grasp graphical representation of potential improvements. That being said, I have a remark (and I think this is something that's missing in the Revit Conceptual Energy Analysis in general).
This feature is fully built upon the energy usage improvement of different building features, but lacks functionality to make an informed economical decision about these building features. A building feature yielding a big possible improvement, but having a huge additional cost for improvement might not be the option you want to explore. Right now this additional cost evaluation is still a fully manual process that the user needs to do on top of the energy analysis. But as the economical and ecological decision making are closely related and both very important in building design, it would be great to have the additional cost of feature improvement evaluated (just like the energy analysis based on generalized values provided by Autodesk based on the American market). I think this would improve the usability of the feature a lot, certainly for smaller designing parties with less technical knowledge and resources.

I hope this message doesn't go unnoticed,
Keep up the good work,


Jasper - Thank you so much for taking the time out to provide us feedback. We agree that the PES chart is a great tool that helps identify areas of sensitivity for your building design and the addition of cost sensitivity would make the feature even more powerful. We are definitely aware of the need for cost sensitivity analysis as an important component when evaluating the viability of performance improvements. Indeed, we almost pursued it for our first release, but the technical hurdles to providing good cost data proved to be too much effort for a first release of new technology. This improvement is very high on our priority list, and we hope to be able to include cost related information soon in a future release. Your input and input from others like you are what help us decide what to release next, so please know that you and other have been heard on this feature request and please keep the comments coming. Thank you again for taking the time to provide us feedback and we wish you the very best on your master’s thesis.

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