As an enterprise GIS tool, it is rare that you would ever implement an AIMS system in isolation. Typically, organisations require (1) that AIMS is fed with data from disparate external systems and/or (2) that users have a way of linking the AIMS user interface within, to and/or from the user interfaces of those external systems. These are 2 of the most common types of AIMS integration and today we are going to look at the latter; user interface integration. The functionality that we are aiming at is the ability to navigate from one system to the other - for example, selecting a feature in AIMS and then opening the corresponding record for that feature in an Asset Management system. Or conversely from the Asset Management system we would like to open AIMS automatically, already zoomed to the location of the current asset.
What Comes Out Of The Box
Fortunately, we get most of this functionality "out of the box", but what we get depends a little on whether we are using Industry Models, or more specifically, the "Infrastructure Application Extension" (why is my brain still yelling "TB Web"??). Perhaps a little matrix will help:
Without Application Extension
With Application Extension
Navigate from external system to AIMS
Yes! Using UrlAction.aspx
Navigate from AIMS out to the external system
Yes! Using 'URL Activated for Feature' in Infra Studio
Yes! Using 'URL Activated for Feature' in Infra Studio
So really the only major functionality gap is navigating into AIMS from an external system (if you don't use the Infrastructure Application Extension). That's going to require some code, so lets knock over the easier ones first and come back to this later.
Configuring the Out of The Box Tools
Navigating from AIMS to an External System
Using the 'URL Activated for Feature' functionality is fairly simple. We just need to build up a URL based on some constant text together with some injected properties from the feature, to create a URL like this:
Then, using Infrastructure Studio, we would create an expression that looks like this:
concat(concat('http://myassetsystem/gotoAsset.php?AssetID=', URLENCODE( ID )),'&AssetType=Parcel')
There is more info on defining expressions here and more specifically for creating URL links here.
You may think that I am assuming your external application is web based and not a desktop app. More on that in a minute.
Navigating to AIMS from an External System
For those running the Application Extension, there is not much config to do on the AIMS side to get up and running with UrlAction. You'll just need to configure your external application to build up the URL that AIMS is expecting. All the options are well documented, so I'll refrain from regurgitating them here. I will point out that you'll need the FID(s) for the feature(s) you are navigating to, so you may have some work to do if they're not available to your external application. Mileage may also vary if you have implemented your own AIMS login, such those as we have done for customers that require Active Directory integration. Email me if you'd like more information on that topic.
Navigate To AIMS Without Application Extension
So, how do we get from our external system into AIMS when you can't use UrlAction? Our solution was to develop a Fusion widget that looks at the http URL parameters that have been passed in when the map first loads. If the widget finds a certain set of parameters then it will go looking for features based on the parameter values, then set the current zoom/selection to any features that it finds. There are 2 major components to the widget: the Javascript running on the client browser and a PHP file for doing server side work.
Why a widget? This is a fairly common requirement, so something that is reusable and simple to deploy ticks the right boxes.
Widget installation instructions
Download AcUrlLink and unzip it to <webExtensionsInstallPath>\www\fusion\widgets.
Note: You'll need to restart Infrastructure Studio after step 1 if it was open
Using Infrastructure Studio, add the widget to the desired Fusion Layout.
How it works
Lets step through how the widget works once it is installed. The first thing that needs to happen is to add some parameters to the normal URL that would open AIMS:
Here is a breakdown of each parameter:
action – what the appl will do when loaded, should always be 'zoom'
layer – The map layer to look for features in
attribute – The attribute on layer to look in
attvalue – the value for attribute to look for
So in the previous example were are looking on the Parcels layer where ID = 106520
With these parameters added, the full URL to open AIMS might look something like:
Once this URL is hit, Fusion loads and initialises all of the widgets by calling their initialize method. In this method we have some code that adds an event handler to the loading of the map:
this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADED, OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.onMapLoadedDoStuff, this));
So now the 'onMapLoadedDoStuff' method will be called once the map is loaded. This method contains the code that will check the URL to see if the action parameter is 'zoom' and to retrieve the criteria for the feature to zoom to:
if(this.getParameterByName("action") == 'zoom')
Fusion.ajaxRequest('widgets/AcUrlLink/AcUrlLink.php', {
onSuccess: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.urlLinkComplete, this),
onFailure: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.urlLinkFail, this),
parameters: {
'mapname': this.getMapName(),
'session': this.getMapSessionID(),
'layer': this.getParameterByName("layer"),
'attribute': this.getParameterByName("attribute"),
'attvalue': this.getParameterByName("attvalue"),
'seq': Math.random()
Here we are getting the URL parameter values, plus the Map and Session information and passing it to the PHP code on the server which will interrogate the Layer for Features via the API. The result it receives is a XML selection set, which can then be applied on the client side (via urlLinkComplete method which is called after the request successfully completes):
urlLinkComplete: function(r) {
var map = Fusion.getMapById();
This call to 'map.setSelection' both sets the selection and zooms to the feature. This is about all the widget needs to do. There are a couple of helper methods I haven't posted here (you can see those in the full source code).
Next, let's look at what is happening in the server side PHP. In this case I'll let the code comments do the explaining:
//Get the layer object for layer we are selecting on
$mglayer = $map->GetLayers()->GetItem($layer);
//build up filter string from parameters passed in
$filter = "$attribute = '$attvalue'";
$featureSrvc = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::FeatureService);
//apply the filter to the layer to get a set of features back
$queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
$layerResId = new MgResourceIdentifier($mglayer->GetFeatureSourceId());
$featureClassName = $mglayer->GetFeatureClassName();
$featureReader = $featureSrvc->SelectFeatures($layerResId, $featureClassName, $queryOptions);
//create a selection set based on the returned features
$selection = new MgSelection($map);
$selection->AddFeatures($mglayer, $featureReader, 0);
//return the selection as XML
echo $selection->ToXml();
And that's about it!
Now we can link to and from AIMS with and without the Industry Application Extension.
Navigate from AIMS to Desktop Applications
So far we have only looked at linking to an application via http URL link. What are the options if our external application is desktop based and not web based? The answer is to still use URL links, but define a custom protocol handler for the desktop based application (assuming it doesn't already have one). You've no doubt used these before but perhaps have never had to create one. You know how Microsoft Outlook opens up when you click a link prefixed with 'mailto:'? This is an example of a protocol handler. Even when you are invoking a link prefixed with 'http' you are invoking a protocol handler that has mapped the 'http' protocol to your web browser application. You'll need to create a new handler that maps a string, e.g. 'asset', to your desktop based Asset System client application. Then, whenever a URL is invoked that begins with 'asset:', your computer will know to open your asset application rather than open the link in a web browser. There's plenty of information for how to do this on the 'net, here is a great article to get you started.
Final words
Not using Fusion yet? It's time to make the move. If you need some help getting started then check out the documentation here.