If you are currently a Moldflow Scandium user (labs build released in September to test new features) you'll note that the build recently stopped working. This is because we implement an expiration date in which the build shuts down. We have determined though, that this can cause a problem with Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Design Link. It should first be noted that this is not a guarantee that an issue will occur, and the majority of users should see no problem.
The cause of the issue stems from changes made to the Simulation Moldflow Design Link installation directory during the installation of Scandium. The installer for Scandium updates several files, and as such when the Scandium build expired, deactivated these files and have caused issues with Design Link working properly.
All that said, we do have a workaround to address this issue. Please follow the steps below;
- Uninstall Scandium 2013
- Go to the bin folder under where Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Design Link is installed and remove all files with modified date signature of 7/25/2012.
Default location
64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Simulation Moldflow Design Link 2013\bin
32-bit: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Simulation Moldflow Design Link 2013\bin
- Go to Control Panel->Programs and Features (Add/Remove Programs on Windows XP) and double click Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Synergy 2013
- On the uninstall window that pops up, choose the option to Repair or Reinstall and select Repair
- After Synergy has been repaired, you can confirm via the installation directory for Design Link. The files deleted above will have been restored with either the FCS date (3/7/2012) or the SP1 date (5/1/2012)
This will address the process if you are experiencing this particular issue.